Returns & Refund
Returns Policy
For items that have arrived damaged
In the unfortunate event that your item arrives damaged, contact us within 24 hours of delivery and we will replace your item immediately (providing the item is available, otherwise a replacement will be offered or a full refund). We will take full responsibility and endeavour to have this rectified as soon as possible.
Please ensure all claims for breakage are reported within 24 hours of receiving the item, no claims will be warranted after this time, as the courier insurance expires after this time. ** We require proof via image on email in order to submit an insurance claim with the carrier for the damaged item, including the following photos - the damaged parcel showing the address label with your name and address clearly visible; the damage to the item.
In the unfortunate event that your item arrives damaged, contact us within 24 hours of delivery and we will replace your item immediately (providing the item is available, otherwise a replacement will be offered or a full refund). We will take full responsibility and endeavour to have this rectified as soon as possible.
Please ensure all claims for breakage are reported within 24 hours of receiving the item, no claims will be warranted after this time, as the courier insurance expires after this time. ** We require proof via image on email in order to submit an insurance claim with the carrier for the damaged item, including the following photos - the damaged parcel showing the address label with your name and address clearly visible; the damage to the item.
For change of mind Returns
Returns are accepted within 7 days of receiving your order. To be eligible for a return, your item must be returned unused and in the same condition you received it. Item must be well packaged to avoid breakage during transport and packaging must be in good condition. Please note a re-stocking fee of 10% will be deducted for change of mind returns.
Within 5 business days of receiving your return, and subject to confirming it is in 'as-new' condition, we will issue you with a refund, in an amount equal to the price you paid for the product, less the cost to ship the product to you and the return shipping back to the warehouse.
Returns are accepted within 7 days of receiving your order. To be eligible for a return, your item must be returned unused and in the same condition you received it. Item must be well packaged to avoid breakage during transport and packaging must be in good condition. Please note a re-stocking fee of 10% will be deducted for change of mind returns.
Within 5 business days of receiving your return, and subject to confirming it is in 'as-new' condition, we will issue you with a refund, in an amount equal to the price you paid for the product, less the cost to ship the product to you and the return shipping back to the warehouse.
The return shipping cost is the same as the initial delivery fee. If you purchase an item with promotional shipping (discounted or free shipping) and you return it because you change your mind, we will deduct the actual shipping costs from your refund. Both the cost of shipping the item to you and the cost of the return shipping to the warehouse will be deducted.
Items listed as clearance items are non-returnable and excluded from all change of mind returns.
Refunds by law:
In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business for goods purchased if the goods are faulty, not fit for purpose or don't match descriptions.
30 day returns ON EBAY ONLY:
We want you to love the products you buy from us. If you change your mind, you may return it to us within 30 days of the date you received it, no questions asked. You will be responsible for all shipping charges to facilitate a change of mind return. If you change your mind, we will provide you with a refund in an amount equal to the price you paid for the product, less all shipping costs. Items returned must be in 'as-new' condition. This means you have not used, assembled, damaged, washed or laundered any of the items. Please return items secured in their original packaging.